+44 (0) 7956 803045
Our school placement service has been tried and tested over the years and is a flexible offering for students at any stage in their school career. Following an initial consultation to discuss requirements and specific goals, we conduct an academic assessment and provide a full written report which forms the basis for any academic preparation, helping us to prepare a realistic shortlist of target schools to be applied to.
Over the years we have worked with a wide range of students applying to an equally broad range of schools. Through this work, we have built strong relationships with many of these institutions and understand which schools are most likely to suit an individual candidate.
When organising a shortlist of schools, we take into account:
- the student’s personality
- academic potential and extra-curricular interests
- as well as other preferences such as location, the school’s underlying ethos and approach to education, or a single sex vs. co-ed environment
With the shortlist finalised, we then assist with registration and submission of documents to the chosen institutions:
- we can handle all relevant paperwork and liaise with each school on your behalf
- coordinate the entrance exam process to ensure the student is amply prepared ahead of time
School visits:
- we can organise a streamlined timeline of school visits, ensuring minimal disruption to any academic or professional commitments
- option to arrange executive car services with a professional, discrete and security trained chauffeur.
- a senior member of our team is always available for accompaniment on visits to offer further advice and observations about each institution, to direct discussions with staff and current pupils and to ensure that the visiting candidate is making the right impression during the visit.
UK boarding schools have consolidated their position as world leaders in education. These schools not only provide unparalleled academic support to equip their students with excellent academic qualifications and a clear route to university, but also give them a wealth of opportunities beyond the classroom, providing access to world class sporting, cultural and leisure facilities.
There are more than 500 boarding schools in the UK and these can be divided into three categories which largely mirror their academic results: Competitive, Selective, and Non-Selective. Locksley Education typically only works with schools that are either Competitive or Selective.
Competitive schools make up an elite group of high-achieving schools with a competitive demand for places and a consistent record of top grade examination results. The rigorous entrance procedure for these schools typically follows a three year cycle, encompassing pre-tests, interviews, and examinations. There are generally 5-10 applicants per available place and candidates are expected to have an immaculate academic record and a strong extracurricular profile of interests and pastimes.
Selective schools have a higher than average academic entrance requirement and maintain a focus on optimising students' results in their final examinations to ensure they are accepted at their first choice universities. The entrance procedure is somewhat shorter, normally beginning 18 months before entry, and although the entrance exams and interviews mirror those for competitive schools, pre-testing is not a stipulation. Candidates for selective schools must have a strong academic record, but allowances can be made for talented students, taking into account their linguistic ability, academic record and extracurricular profile.
Day schools exist as an alternative that allow students to continue living at home. This is particularly relevant to younger students. Private junior schools in the UK are known as ‘prep schools’, and for many families with younger children gaining entry into a reputable prep school is a crucial endeavour.
Currently the bar for entry into good prep schools is set very high and the entrance process is challenging, especially for children from international backgrounds.
While the most established prep schools are famed for the rigorous and high quality education they provide, as well as the pathway they offer to the most competitive senior day schools, the entrance requirements are simply too challenging for some students. Newer prep schools may be less well known, but offer a gentler path into the education system, particularly for international students, and allow students to develop with a view to transferring to a more challenging academic environment at the 9+, 10+ or 11+ entry points. That said, these prep schools are still renowned for the quality of their teaching and are also considered to be academically selective, so while choosing a newer prep school may appear to be the ‘simpler option’, proper academic preparation is still advised.
In the case of international students, it is particularly important to ensure that linguistic preparation is prioritised. Placing younger students into a learning environment where they will struggle to communicate and understand what is being taught can be a very stressful experience. It is vital to ensure the transition to the UK system is handled carefully, and that the child is supported with adequate linguistic and academic preparation beforehand. Locksley Education has worked with a wide range of international students over the years and has a strong team of educators who have experience working with non-native English speakers and younger learners.
Alongside the traditional UK day schools, there are a number of well-established international schools. These schools have tended to cater for the children of those working in diplomatic missions or the business community, but now accept a wide range of students from different backgrounds. They offer a particularly good choice for students with aspirations to study at universities outside the UK, or for those who have found that the traditional UK system is not quite right for them.